How to Conduct An Effective Performance Appraisal Interview


As Managers you have a lot of tasks to take care of, some of which are less enjoyable than others. One of such kind is the employee performance appraisal. As is the case with anything else, practice makes perfect, and the same could be said for conducting an effective and engaging performance appraisal. With some organization and finesse, you’ll be ready to conduct the best performance review possible in order to benefit you, your employees, and the organisation as a whole. 

This very helpful, practical training course is available now in Kuala Lumpur and throughout Malaysia, organised by Big Berry Consulting

By the end of this course, participants will be able to
  • Provide Effective Feedback to employee on his performance.
  • Identify any gaps in performance and create actionable plans to bridge those gaps.
  • Determine the strengths & weaknesses of the employee.
  • Provide satisfaction and encouragement to the Employee.
  • Help determine the correct Training & Development Program.
  • Insight on budgeting, and human resources planning.

This program is fully HRDF claimable.

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